College Uniform
The College colours are red, white and blue. The College Crest features the Norah Head Lighthouse, the colour palette of our environment and the connection that the College has with its Josephite heritage. The College Motto “Christ Our Light”, features prominently on the Crest.
The Mackillop Catholic College Uniform shop is run by Alinta Apparel and is located next to the canteen.
Please contact Alinta Apparel directly for all enquiries.
The Uniform Shop phone on campus can only be answered when the shop is open. P: While our new phone system is switching over, please call 0421 630 836
Outside of uniform shop hours, please call Head Office. P: 43210433
You can also email the store at
Opening hours: During school term (not during school holidays).
Tuesday 8 am-11 am
Wednesday 1 pm-4 pm
Thursday 8 am-11 am
You do not need an appointment for normal term trading.
Head Office: Monday to Friday, 8 am and 4 pm
Back to School and holiday extended hours are by appointment only, which you book online at the Alinta website.
Online store:
Before you can order online, you must login and register at
Select MacKillop Catholic College from the school dropdown menu.
You will find shop opening hours, price lists, appointment booking and online shop at our website: